Realme launched the Buds T01 true wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds in India on Thursday, August 29, alongside the Realme 13 5G series. These new earbuds from the Chinese tech company feature an in-ear design and are equipped with 13mm dynamic drivers. They also have an IPX4 rating, making them resistant to sweat and water, and include AI-based Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) to minimize background noise. According to Realme, the earbuds can deliver up to 28 hours of playback time when used with the charging case.
The Realme Buds T01 are priced at Rs. 1,299 in India and come in Black and White color options. They are available for purchase through the company’s website, Amazon India, and Flipkart.
Specifications and Features:
- Drivers: 13mm dynamic drivers with PET diaphragms.
- Controls: Touch controls allow users to answer/reject calls, adjust volume, and manage playlists through double-tap, triple-tap, or long-press gestures on the earbuds.
- Noise Cancellation: AI-based Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) is included to filter out unnecessary background noises by identifying human voices.
- Latency: The earbuds boast a low latency rate of just 85 milliseconds, according to Realme.
According to Realme, the Buds T01 earbuds can offer up to seven hours of playback on a single charge. Paired with their oval-shaped charging case, the total playtime extends to up to 28 hours. Each earbud is equipped with a 40mAh battery, while the charging case houses a 400mAh battery. Additionally, a quick 10-minute charge is said to provide up to two hours of playback. The Realme Buds T01 are lightweight, weighing approximately 4 grams each.